Saturday, January 21, 2012

mid winter status: Varsity

The Varsity Girls are 10 and 4 mid-way through the season.  They participated in several Holiday tournaments.  They took second place in the Teddy Thanos/Forbes Road Public School Tournament in Pennsylvania.  They made history by being the first home school team to beat Forbes Road in their own tournament.  They also took second place in the MSD Oriole Classic.  Both tournaments were played with determination and courage.  In the MSD Classic, the Force defeated MSD by 7 for a first time ever victory over the Orioles.  (I'm sure you heard the cheering!)  A solid win over Fulton County gave the girls an additional shot of encouragement.  Next week, finds them with their hands full as they take on Carroll Christian, Carlisle Christian and New Life!  It will be a great week of basketball, come support the Varsity Girls!  

The Varsity Boys are mid-way through their season with a record of 2 and 8.   A strong win over Fulton County was exciting to watch.  The long drive was definitely worth it as the boys all got plenty of playing time and came home victorious.  The boys continue to work hard and give great effort in all of their games.  They continue to work as a team and are getting stronger with every contest.  The games are exciting to watch....come support our Frederick Force Varsity Boys.  This week they have games with Carroll Christian, Carlisle Christian and New Life.  Go Force!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mrs. Lisa for putting up the blog! :D
    Great job Varsity Girls! What a great season so far. Keep working hard everyone!

    -Sarah #23
